Seonaid holding a book

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See this page for verbs which change their meaning when followed by the gerund or the infinitive.

Here are some more verbs that are usually followed by the gerund

  • miss: She misses living near the beach.
  • appreciate: I appreciated her helping me.
  • delay: He delayed doing his taxes.
  • postpone: He postponed returning to Paris
  • practise: She practised singing the song.
  • consider: She considered moving to New York.
  • can't stand: He can't stand her smoking in the office.
  • can't help: He can't help talking so loudly.
  • risk: He risked being caught.
  • admit: He admitted cheating on the test.
And here are some more verbs followed by 'to' and the infinitive.
  • can afford: We can't afford to go on holiday.
  • manage: He managed to open the door without the key.
  • prepare*: They prepared to take the test /
    the teachers prepared the students to take the test.
  • demand: He demanded to speak to Mr. Harris.
  • choose: I chose to help.
  • offer: Frank offered to drive us to the supermarket.
  • wait: She waited to buy a movie ticket.
  • would hate*: I'd hate to be late / I'd hate you to be late.
  • would love*: I'd love to come / I'd love him to come.
  • seem: Nancy seemed to be disappointed.

*We can use an object before the infinitive with these verbs.

Try an exercise about gerunds and infinitives with these verbs here.

See the list of verbs part 1 here
See the list of verbs part 3 here
See the list of verbs part 4 here


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